Assessor's Office

The Assessor is the official who estimates the value of real property within the Town's boundaries. This value is converted into an assessment, which is one component in the computation of real property tax bills. The Town of York is the designated assessing authority for the Town of York, and for school district property in the town. The Assessor's office is also responsible for processing all real property exemptions.
Gregg Torrey
Phone: 585-243-3128, ext. 5
Fax: 585-243-4618
9am - 12 noon
9am - 3:30 pm
Summer Hours: June 1st thru Labor Day: Wednesdays From 9am - 4pm
*Additional hours outside of regular office hours available by appointment
Important Legal Dates on the Assessment Calendar:
Taxable status date: March 1st
Tentative assessment roll filed: May 1st
Grievance day: The 4th Tuesday in May from 4:00 pm until 8:00 pm
Final assessment roll filed: July 1st
All exemptions must be filed by March 1st.
Mail completed forms to:
Town of York
Assessor's Office
2668 Main Street
PO Box 187
York, NY 14592